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Introducing the new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) + Solar Benefits

solar pv farm

The latest update to the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) was announced yesterday (20th February) and will seek to further encourage the installation of solar panels.

The scheme will be in place for five years with the initial investment opportunity opening from tomorrow (22nd February) prioritising farm solar panels.

Grant Aid Increased

The grant aid rate for solar PV systems is set to increase to 60% for all farmers. This is a significant increase from TAMS II which was set at 40%. 

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue commented on the changes:

“TAMS continues to be a hugely beneficial scheme for farmers, and I am delighted that it will continue in 2023 in a much bigger and better way than previously. TAMS will continue to support productive farming and helping ensure that we remain a modern and futureproofed sector. We are also using TAMS to align more with our climate and sustainability goals through renewable energy, low emission spreading equipment and higher grant rates for organic farmers. It will also be a driver of our priorities on increasing the number of young farmers and women farmers and improving farm safety with higher grant rates for all of these.”

The Department has announced that solar PV systems will have a separate investment ceiling up to €90,000. Additionally, the scheme sees an increase in the size of available investments from 12kW to 62kW. The scheme will ultimately enable every farmer to generate their own power to help achieve a more sustainable rural economy, and reduce energy costs on their holdings.

Importantly, farmers who benefited from TAMS II can reapply in full under the new scheme.

Impact on Farmers

Philip O’Connor, IFAC’s head of farm support – publisher of the Irish Farm Report 2023 – has welcomed the latest announcement from the ministry.

Tranche 1 of the scheme will be music to the ears of many clients and farmers all across the country who are committed to farming sustainably and eager to take climate action. We know this because last week our fifth annual farm report, containing the views of 1,160 Irish farmers, revealed that both spiraling input costs and action to meet Ireland’s climate targets are very much front of mind.”

Solar with Solgrid

At Solgrid, we anticipate that the latest changes to TAMS will generate more interest in solar PV technology as eco-friendly and energy efficient technologies become more appealing to farmers and advisors.

Solgrid are registered with both the Department of Agriculture and SEAI and are uniquely positioned to offer advice and experience in designing and installing solar PV systems. Our partnership with Q Cells – a leading solar PV technology company – further establishes our experience and expertise in the industry.

If you are interested in taking advantage of TAMS and require guidance, please contact a member of our team today.

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